My Food Poem
By Teagan
It looks like creamy gooey goodness, a layer of goldenness.
It tastes like a blanket of gold,
Every bite is more delicious than the last.
It smells like a hot summer day with spice on top.
It sounds like a box of noodles,
Being poured into a bowl of water.
It feels like a comfy blanket as it goes down my throat.
it looks like a bucket of gold at the end of a rainbow
Yum, yum, yum, my treasure in my tum.
My Food Poem
By Nathan
I walk into a restaurant,
I smell the delightful aroma of grease-
fulfilling the burgers taste.
When I take a bite the juice drips from the burger.
So what I'm trying to say is…
It’s delicious.
My Taco Poem
By Charlie
When you bite into a taco,
You travel to a magical world of …
As you walk through the colorful taco forest,
You hear the...
Of taco shells on the ground.
You keep walking.
You stop and look at a red, spicy taco sauce river
And a beef and cheese bridge.
You walk across the warm bridge,
You see a lettuce tree and you walk by it.
You look at the sour cream clouds.
You leave the forest and land back at your dining room table. You finish the taco and ask for seconds.
My Food Poem
By Noah
Chicken chalupa is so cheesy and delicious.
Once it’s done,
It’s orange and white,
Mouth watering,
When you take a bite
It is gooey, crispy, and crunchy.
Ode To My S’more
By Aynslie
Oh s’more, so sticky and sweet,
You’ve cheered me up so many times.
You taste so good,
Every time I take a bite.
I can smell your crisp marshmallow,
You look like you are perfectly cooked.
Sometimes I feel bad for you,
Because I keep eating your friends,
But they are so very tasty,
So I don't really feel bad. 
PS. You are next.
My Poem
By Brooke
Triple Chocolate Cupcake
The taste it taste so good, like a chocolate volcano,
Flooding into my mouth.
It smells like a king-sized chocolate bar,
When you first open it.
It sounds like a stream of water,
When you cut into it.
It feels like a sponge that,
Soaked up all the chocolate in the world.
It looks like a chocolate mountain,
that got rained on by melted chocolate.
The End
My Food Poem
By Anna
The taste is soft and sweet,
Like happy volcanoes popping in my mouth.
The smell is sweet as sugar, and fresh cake in the oven.
It looks like soft, wavy, chocolate.
The sound is nice and crunchy.
Soft goodness,
Last, but not least,
My Food Poem
By Gabrielle
Banana sandwiches taste sweet and tropical,
If you just take one nibble you will surely be amazed.
They have a soft fruity scent with a hint of vanilla.
Once you take a bite,
You'll hear a subtle crunch.
The texture is delightful and creamy,
The banana is moist, not dry.
Pale yellow creamy goodness,
It’s just what we need!
My FoodPoem
By Amelia
When I come home from school,
I look in the fridge.
Then I see this golden fresh pineapple.
It looks so perfect.
When I pulled it out of the fridge,
It felt so fresh and juicy.
I asked my mom if she could cut it, she did.
She cut it into wonderful shapes!
When I bite down on it.
It sounds so juicy and tastes so sweet,
When it’s gone I beg for more.
Mom’s Ice Cream Cake
By Eric
It's my birthday.
My mom is making an ice cream cake.
My sister and mom are working hard before I wake up.
The eggs are falling into the pot.
My sister is stirring like crazy.
They put it into the oven
Just to find, it wasn't on.
Finally the cake is out,
I feel like waking up,
I don't want to though,
I'm tired.
They’re rushing to put on the whip cream,
I’m getting dressed,
Only for my dad to tell me to make my bed.
The cake is almost ready,
It just needs the candles.
I’m coming downstairs.
They quickly hide in the bathroom.
They came out singing, “Happy Birthday!”
The beautiful blueness,
The nice candles sparkled,
Like a lighthouse in the ocean.
It felt freshly made,
And that would explain the big mess on the kitchen counter.
My Food Poem
By Zeke
Chicken wings say to eat me.
When I taste them,
It is amazing,
The juicy meat inside the wing,
Wants me to eat it,
So I eat it and it is delicious in my tummy.
Chicken Tender
By Paul
The chicken tender,
Has a crunchy outside,
But a soft, warm inside.
The chicken tender smells,
Like warm goodness.
The chicken tender’s sound is a crunch,
With a rough outside but a smooth inside.
The chicken tender looks like brown goodness,
And when I am at Las Palapas,
I always eat chicken tenders.
My Poem
by Evangeline
Avocado sandwich.
It tastes awesome.
It smells good.
It sounds crunchy.
It feels soft.
It looks great.
My Poem
By: Kahlyn
Peeps are delicious,
They taste like marshmallows,
They smell yummy,
And sound like birds and bunnies,
They feel squishy like marshmallows,
And look like marshmallows and that's because,
They are marshmallows but shaped differently!
This is my poem about peeps.
My Poem
By Jason
Ribs, ribs come to me
For I can eat,
Your squishy meat.
Your meat is from the colors that are cool,
Like delicious meat.
You're crisp, firm and crunchy.
Ribs are yummy in my tummy.
Sometimes my ribs are chewy.
Dear Fried Chicken,
You taste so good and are better than Chicken nuggets. You taste so crispy and look so crispy.
I hear a crunch when I bite into your crunchy hair,
And the tender chicken takes me somewhere else.
This is my undying love for you.