Ode To My Tablet
By: Kahlyn
My Tablet opens its eyes,
And sees a new game.
My Tablet sees that I'm playing
I'm watching a video.
It sees what I watch.
My Tablet rests from a good day
So I plug it in.
Then it opens its eyes
when I turn it back on.
By Nolan
My swing set swings me,
My swing set brings me to the moon,
We play together,
He is my best friend,
We swing together,
We have fun.
By Jason
Steak, steak the magical place.
Come inside I’ll give you a ride.
In a whole new world
Where the magic is done on the fourth of July.
Magic is my dad's homemade steak.
He crisps it up so well
That when he does it
My mouth waters.
The best part... to eat it.
THE END!!!!!
An Ode to Summer
By Natalee
Summer’s growing on my trees,
Summer’s blowing in the breeze,
Summer’s dancing with the flowers, Summer’s starting midnight showers, Summer’s rolling down a hill,
Jumping like a baby joey.
Summer’s jumping rope with a vine, Skipping down the street smelling flowers, In the garden.
She is very cheerful.
Summer is AWESOME.
Ode to My Bed
By Paul
My bed sleeps in the day,
But wakes up in the night,
To keep me warm.
In the day I hear my bed snoring loudly.
In the night my covers tackle me to the ground.
I can feel up and down up and dow,
As my bed is breathing slowly in the night.
My bed is what wakes me up for school.
Ode to my bed.
Ode to my Tablet
When I turn on my Tablet, it smiles at me.
My Tablet plays with me.
My Tablet and I are best friends.
When it is the end of the day,
My Tablet and I fall asleep together.
Ode to My Nice Warm Bed
By Eric
My bed rests with me on cold nights.
It tackles me under its covers.
My bed gets dressed,
Just like a normal human would.
It is big, warm, perfect,
and rectangular.
After six hours of school,
It waits for me.
I jump up and down on my bed,
As long as I want,
Making sure I don’t break its bones.
Ode to My Book
By Amelia
My book…
When I open my book,
It stretches it’s wonderful arms,
And wakes up.
It speaks to me with encouraging words!
There are so many stories,
I can't wait to read,
They are all so interesting.
There are so many different kinds of them.
Mystery, fantasy, graphic novels and more!
When I’m done it closes its eyes to sleep,
And I can read another day!
Ode to my Food
Yum, yum, yum, so good in my tum.
Mom’s mac and cheese.
The spice ignites my mouth,
When I put it in my mouth,
It slips and slides,
Down my throat.
Mom’s mac and cheese,
Makes my stomach dance.
By TEAGAN!!!!!!!(;
Ode to My Summer.
This is a poem about summer.
One day I saw Summer walking to my house,
Summer was walking, running, joging, jumping, sleeping, rolling,
Smelling flowers,
Playing jump rope with vines,
Running in the grass,
Planting flowers
Oh’ how Summer goes through the tree branches.
By: Evangeline
I chose summer because my birthday is in summer on June 16th.
Ode to My Bunnie
By: Gabrielle
Bunnie rests peacefully in her little bed at night.
And in the morning Bunnie wakes up with me.
Bunnie never leaves my side.
And she does everything I do.
When I go to school, she goes to school.
When I play outside, she plays outside.
And when I go to bed, she goes to bed.
So as you can see Bunnie means everything to me!
And of course she is one of my many special bunnies.
I love all my little ones equally and nothing will ever replace them.
My Napkin
One day I went to the diner
All went well until I got my shirt wet
Then my napkin danced across the table
And into my hands
It felt so soft and fluffy.
I rubbed my face and shirt.
Then I went up to the center
And $10 dollars flew out of my pocket.
Landing right on the table
The lady puts the dollars in her pocket
I walk out happy as can be.
As I walk out,
The dollars start to jump out of the lady’s pocket,
Starting to walk downtown and follow me,
As happy as can be.
A leaf falls from a tree,
It gets up from the ground,
It walks and danced
As it walked downtown, happy as can be!
Then I walk and walk and walk until….
My Napkin hops right in front.
It goes hop...walk...Jump... Dance…
All the way home.
Ode to My Unicorn
By Brooke
When I get ready to go to bed,
My stuffed unicorn calls my name,
Asking me to come cuddle.
I go to bed all tucked in,
And my unicorn is tucked in with me.
My unicorn cuddles me all night long like my cats.
My fluffy, sparkly, purple unicorn.
Is my FAVORITE stuffed animal.
And I love it SO much.
Ode to my Bunny
By Aynslie
I get ready for bed,
With a cute and fluffy Mr. Bunny,
Waiting for me on my bed,
As I finish getting dressed
He gets excited and cheerful,
I grab him by the waist,
And put him down next to me,
Then cradle him in the crook of my arm,
He snuggles up with me and falls asleep,
When I wake up, he is still there waiting till the next night.
Ode to my bed
By Noah
It loves to sleep,
My bed, so soft, comfy, and warm.
The covers feel like bare fur.
And when I get ready for school,
My bed
goes to sleep.
Ode to My Squirtle Toy
by : Charlie
When I first saw my Squirtle in the store,
It stared at me,
Like it wanted me to buy it.
So we did.
He LOVES to watch me play,
“Pokemon Let’s go Pikachu”.
His bright smile makes me smile.
His moves are awesome; he just learned to water blast.
I love my Squirtle!!!
Ode to my Tablet
I wake up and so does my tablet,
My tablet and I play games and watch youtube together, We spend everyday together,
I love my tablet